Chaos Agents vs. X-Sabers
Match Results: 10/15
2 - 1 in the testee's favour.
Ruling Knowledge: 16/20
Question 1 was answered correctly.
Question 2 was answered incorrectly.
Question 3 was answered correctly.
Question 4 was answered correctly.
Question 5 was answered correctly.
Attitude: 2/2
Duel Control: 5/10
Game 1 started very slowly, as X-Sabers rely on Floaters to get their plays going and I simply didn't draw into any boss card. His heavy backrow helped him secure his field till he got the searches needed to go off. No one really had full controll, as the match went back and forth. Ultimately, he had a slight advantage.
Game 2 he had no controll of the match. He set-up his floaters which I killed of rapidly and went for the kill very fast. He could not back any of his plays up and the moment I dropped Kristia the game was done.
Game 3 was very equal. Both of us had a few good plays and the match went back and forth, even more so than in game 1. Ultimatly I dropped a BLS and claimed control for me, for quite a while. He managed a slight comeback but was stopped sooner than later. A lucky top-deck got him the win, although he did not have control over the match and my hand was better by miles.
Use of Cards: 19/20
More often than not he had to use a lot of cards to end up in a single big synchro summon, that usually died too soon, so it could not really pay off. I think sometimes it is better to keep the smaller Synchros out and try to go for bigger damage with them.
Other than that, it was pretty much perfect. He used his searches the best possible way, he used his MSTs as trap-bluffs making use of them, when they'd usually be dead and he had perfect timing for most of his cards.
Deck Consistency: 15/20
X-Sabers are pretty slow and take a lot of time to build up their plays with the help of floaters. Also, it looses hand advantage to fast and instead trys to keep control with backrow. I was missing some essentials like Maxx "C" which gives you a counter measure to your low hand card count. Veiler is just as essential and it's nature as tuner allows you to go for quick Synchros when you don't get your Fulhelm or Parshul. Other than that, the deck ran very good and is probably the best X-Sabers deck I have seen. Smashing Grounds isn't a card to use in a main deck, really. Replace it by Maxx C, I'd say.
Concentration: 3/3
Side Deck: 12/15
Side Deck is fine for the most part. Light-Imprisioning Mirror is a weird choice this format, as it won't see much use. It would have been helpfull against Agents, though.
Trap Stun is an interesting choice, considering the huge amount of traps you run and side, but it does give you a full turn to go for a big play and a potential OTK. Things X-Sabers can do, indeed.
Soul Drain is a bad choice. Really. It just kills of all those searches you need to go off.
Deck Originality: 10/5
X-Sabers aren't seen a lot and honestly, there where things in here I did not see in any other deck of it's kind before. Full score, meaning a bonus 5 points.
Total points: 92/110
Welcome to Ra Yellow! I was indeed very impressed by the knowledge and skill you displayed with your X-Sabers, but ultimatly I feel that their slow nature and your weird card choices cost you Obelisk. Better luck next time, you can definetly reach it!