Match : E-Tel Madolchek vs TG Madolche
Match Results: 0/10 Tester's Score : Testee's Score
Deck Construction: 15/20
Deck seemed to have consistency issues. Ive noticed a lot of TG Madolche decks having the same problem, not sure if that's the build or if its just DN being a jerk
Duelist Peformance: 18/20
If the deck had given you better plays more often, I'd bump up the points.
Siding: 10/10
Good sided choices.
Side Deck: 5/5
I think you have it all covered here with those Fossil Dyna, Veilers, Maxx Cs, Shadow mirrors, Gozens and all. Would recommend Breakthrough Skills though. Good choice this format.
Ruling Questions: 15/15
Nailed them all
Total Points: 63/80
Aw no! 63 is the high end of the Slifer Red category! You were so close Yubel. Had you won at least one game in that match, you'd be sitting in Ra Yellow right now. Better luck next time man.