Match Duel: Evilswarm vs. Thunder
Single Duel: Burning Knuckler vs. Machina-Geargia
Match Results: 12/12 points
- Tester 0 vs. 2 Testee
Match Deck Construction: 17/17
- Number of Cards: 3/3
40 cards.
- Consistency: 8/8
I have never seen a Pa-/Ma-/Sishunder engine works so damn well. You managed to spam out more XYZ than I did, and that means something considering that Evilswarms are made for exactly that. Your constant recycling helped you get a speed and card advantage, that made your deck flow perfectly. Even that Vylon you threw in worked perfectly and allowed you to deviate from simply XYZ-Summoning into Synchro-Summoning.
- Originality: 4/4
Maybe it is just me, but I have not seen a build mainly focusing on the Hunder-Family. I have seen them used as support cards, but as the main engine? Never.
- Side Deck: 2/2
Match Performance: 13/17 points
- Focus: 2/2
More focused than I was, and managed to get every slight mistake.
- Use of cards: 8/8
You did use your cards very well, indeed. You made great use of the Hunder-Engine, and played the right Hunder at the right time, giving you full advantage of their effects. Your XYZ were a weird choice at times, for example I would not have summoned Omega various times, although it probably was the best choice, considering that I always had some kind of backrow. I cannot find anything to take points for, really.
- Siding: 4/7
2 Shadow-Imp. Mirror. Obvious and effective choice, but also not surprising and very easy to get rid of. I know how people side that against me, so I am prepared and usually side in another MST, without hurting the deck.
I'd expect something more unconventional that can really throw you off balance, like Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell against my Pandemic Infestation that I use a lot. That would hit me so hard.
Single Result: 5/5 points
Single Deck Construction: 11/15 points
- Number of Cards: 3/3
40 again.
- Consistency: 8/8
As always the deck flowed very nicely, although I felt like there were a few turns where you did nothing. You burned through your cards pretty fast and when I hit that Gear Giant you lost a valuable monster. Despite that, you recovered pretty damn quickly and ended up swarming me again.
- Originality: 0/4
Machina-Geargia Tier 1 meta deck. Standard all the way.
Single Performance: 10/10 points
- Focus: 2/2
Again, very focused.
- Use of cards: 8/8
There is not much I can say. It it easy to tell people when they missused cards, but in this case there is nothing I could say.
Rulings: 10/10
It was pretty much pointless asking, as he knew the answer to everything. Spell Speeds, chains, example, even the timing on Vylon Prism was perfect.
Attitude: 2/2
Not all to talkative, but friendly. Kept his calm, played in a good speed and waited/asked for responce.
Deck Variety: 2/2
The decks work on completly diffrent engines.
Overall Total: 81/90
You were incredibly close last time and this time you got it. I was disappointed with your deck choice for the singles, as I find it to be an incredibly standard deck, but then again, your match deck was a nice surprise. Skillwise you can match up with the best here easily, and your focus on the competitive play might be a bit out of place for some, but it gives you an edge.
Congratulations on the first Obelisk Blue I ever gave.
All in all it is a very short description, but honestly, there just isn't much I can say.