Match Duel: Hero Stun vs. Omni Hero
Single Duel: Infernity vs. Heiratics
Match: 0/10 points
Single: 0/10 points
Match Deck Construction: 13/20 points
Match Performance: 9/20 points
Single Deck Construction: 16/20 points
Single Performance: 11/20 points
Total: 49/100
Different Decks: 3/3 points
Attitude: 2/2 points
Overall Total: 54/105
In the single match the deck was built pretty well, but as luck had it I drew a torrential tribute and he was done for, he wasted all his resources trying to swarm. After that it was just a bunch of defense, hoping to lucksack, which never came.
However, his Heroes were not built very well at all. I had Rai-oh and he had nothing to help himself and eventually wasted all his resources trying to get rid of them. However I know he is a good duelist since he was able to guess everyone of my face downs and get rid of them, to the point where I stopped setting them. With some practice with his deck and some revision he can really improve.
You will be assigned to Slifer Red.