Hey, ODA.
Yes, we have some new Staff updates again. This time, it's gonna be a bit different. So bear with me.
First of all, the Founder Account is going on none active. This means it won't be used, unless it's needed for things only the Founder Account can perform.
Also, Evilpath/Acidik has been promoted to Admin to form a solid 3 Admin Team now. With his knowledge and past as ODA Administrator, he'll be a great help to us.
The less good news, is the demotion of the two Moderators Nottu and Ventriloquist. The reason is the more then obvious inactivity from both their sides.
Some minor changes. ~Rose will assist in making Lessons, and if needed help out with testing. He also is in charge of the Banners for ODA now.
So, these changes leave us with a few Moderator positions open. The Admins will discuss possible options for the spots and we'll get back to you about this as soon as we can.
- ODA Staff -