Match 0:2 E Tel Madolche vs Machina-Malefic-Gears
Match Results: 10/10 Tester's Score : Testee's Score
She won both rounds. By default (but was winning anyway)
Deck Construction: 19/20
This deck is consistent and always makes a play each turn. It has its dead turns once in a while such as when she cannot get out her Fortress.
Duelist Peformance: 20/20
Level headed. Strategic. Fun to play and made little to no error at all.
Siding: 10/10
Knew what to side against the deck. Soul Drains and Compulsory Evacuation Devices against the cute little deserts and a Solemn Judgment on top of it.
Side Deck: 4/5
I like the siding of the Bottomless Trap Holes, Vanity's Fiend, and the Solemn Twins. Compulsory Evac in the side makes sense although I see it mained a lot of the time. Soul Drain in the Side and Skill Drain in the Main are very nice, Not too keen on 2 extra Snowman Eater since you already Main 1.
Ruling Questions: 15/15
Nailed them all. Nothing needed to say here.
Total Points: 78/80
Congratulations on making in into the Obelisk Blue Dorm CalmWind.