Match Duel: Evilswarm vs. Lightsworn-Chaos
Single Duel: Psychics vs. Worms
Match Results: 4/12 points
- Tester 2 vs. 1 Testee
Match Deck Construction Total: 11/17
- Number of Cards: 3/3
40 cards.
- Consistency: 4/8
He got his stuff off in the first match, but the other too were pretty much a one sided game. His engine didn't go off at any point and therefore there wasn't much he could do. This is a problem I think many Lightsworn decks have: Once their milling engine is stopped, there is nothing they can do. Of course this is not a direct problem with Jaden's specific build but rather a problem Lightsworns in general have.
- Originality: 2/4
Standard Chaos-Lightsworns. I didn't really see any special Lightsworn Monsters, there was the typicall Card Trooper, Necro Gardna, Plaguespreader and obviously the Chaos Boss-Monsters. It probably is the most effective way to play Lightsworns but I'd still like to see a pure build, without all that Gorz, Trag, BLS dropping.
- Side Deck: 2/2
15 cards.
Match Performance Total: 20/23 points
- Rulings: 7/8
Didn't realize that Solemn is Spell Speed 3 at first, although when I hinted it he got everything correct.
- Focus: 2/2
A bit unfocused, although nothing major and no missplays/missclicks from his part. Forgot his own Card Trooper draw once, but hell, it happens.
- Use of cards: 3/5
This, as always, is the toughest little thing to answer. I don't really thing he could have done things diffrently, except for using Prohibition on my Ophion instead of Castor. Cancelling out Castor's effect sure is important, but Evilswarms have a whole lot of other options to go into XYZ and pretty fast ones too. Considering that Ophion prevented you from dropping Judgement Dragon, BLS, Trag or Gorz it really was the biggest thread I had against you. Also, without Ophion, I could not search for my Pandemic Infestation and negate your Spell/Traps as easily. Ophion should always be the first thing to target when it comes to eliminting threads when playing a deck whichs Boss-Monsters are all lv 5 or above.
Even though this is only one card to be used "wrong", I still think it would have had a HUGE and game changing impact on the game if used diffrently and therefore I have to take away 2 points.
- Siding: 8/8
Shadow-Imp. Mirror is undoubtably a great side against a pure-DARK deck like mine. Prohibition was a very nice idea indeed, but you used it wrong, as stated above. Take my Ophion and you can summon all your Dragons and annihilate me.
Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell was a very, very nice idea! My Pandemic Infestation can be a huge pain in the ass when you try to use either backrow or things like Dark Hole and I just keep evading with Pandemic. Or when I Torrential the field and protect my monsters my Pandemic. It definetly is my main spell of the deck.
MST was a good side and a nice thought! Playing Lightsworns you can expect someone to come up with an Macro or an Light-Imp. from the Side Deck and you definetly need protection against such things. I would have recommended to actually side in even more cards like that, e.g. Dust Tornado or Night Beam.
Puppet Plant was a weird one. I know it was sided in to take care of my Castor, but for that my Castor would need to actually stay on the field, which he never really does as I always use him as Material. It is a very situational card that I would only recommend against pure-Warrior builds or main-Warrior builds like Heroes. I don't really aprove of this side, but honestly, the other were pretty damned good, that I cannot and wil not take any points.
Single Result: 5/5 points
2nd turn double Worm King + 3rd turn Laggia. Kill me!
Single Deck Construction Total: 13/13 points
- Number of Cards: 3/3
- Consistency: 6/6
Got his Yagga - Xex Combo of very soon, got 2 Worm Kings in the same turn and even went as far as suddenly pulling out a Guaiba and ging into Laggia. It was a fairly short duel, so I do not know how consistent this really is, but from what I got to see, it works fast and is more than solid.
- Originality: 4/4
Worms definetly are a less played Archtype but they do seem to have their advatages. I did not expect to see a Guaiba popping up there and I do dislike the notion of needing a Laggia in every single deck, but in the end, I think the deck in itself is pretty much unique.
Single Performance Total: 14/15 points
- Rulings: 8/8
Didn't have much time to check on all stuff, but he proved before that he knows how the game works better than most other people.
- Focus: 1/2
I guess he was nervous to some extend. Messed up his life point count when using Solemn Judgment and didn't even realize he suddenly had over 15000 LP. I didn't take away a point before for such things, but all in all I'll just need to take away a single one. Try to stay calm, not only will you play better, but you'll be more confident.
- Use of cards: 5/5
Well, yeah. He used everything he could to full extend and it worked out pretty damn well.
Attitude: 2/2
Good attitude, friendly guy. Can't complain about anythin here, really.
Deck Variety: 3/3
Lightsworns vs. Worms.
Overall: 72/90
Welcome to Ra Yellow!
Wow. Very close to Obelisk indeed! Very nice job, although that fast kill in the singles left me no choice but to give you high scores, that might not be appropriate to full extend. I judged what I saw, which wasn't much but it was nice and effective.