Match Duel: Elemental Dragons vs. Elemental Dragons
Single Duel: Zombies vs. Gravekeepers
Match Results: 4/12 points
- Tester 2 vs. 1 Testee
Match Deck Construction Total: 12/17
- Number of Cards: 3/3
- Consistency: 6/8
pretty damn consistant, but what ones aren't
- Originality: 1/4
common elemental dragon build
- Side Deck: 2/2
Match Performance Total: 17/23 points
- Rulings: 7/8
- Focus: 0/2
- Use of cards: 3/5
- Siding: 7/8
Single Result: 5/5 points
Single Deck Construction Total: 10/13 points
- Number of Cards: 3/3
- Consistency: 5/6
- Originality: 2/4
Single Performance Total: 14/15 points
- Rulings: 7/8
- Focus: 2/2
- Use of cards: 5/5
Attitude: 2/2
Deck Variety: 3/3
From stopping the grave to swarming from it, big difference
Special Stipulation
admited defeat before he had lost in the first duel in match (-3)
Ra Yellow is your place