crazy white boy constellar vs shino chaos dragon
Match Results: 0/12 points
- Tester 2 vs. 0 Testee: 0/12
Score depends on the overall result:
Tester 0 vs. 2 Testee -> 12/12
Tester 1 vs. 2 Testee -> 8/12
Tester 2 vs. 1 Testee -> 4/12
Tester 2 vs. 0 Testee -> 0/12
Match Deck Construction: 3/17
- Number of Cards: ?/3
40 cards: 3/3
41-42 cards: 2/3
43 with GOOD reason: 1/3
43-60: 0/3
- Consistency: ?/8
How do you feel did the deck work? Did I get good combos off, or couldn't the testee do anything special? Did it work how it is supposed to?
This is a personal evaluation.
- Originality: ?/4
If it is a new idea for a deck, give it credit. If not and it just looks like any other deck that you see everywhere (Dino-Rabbit, Dark World) take points.
- Side Deck: ?/2
How many cards does the side deck have?
15 cards: 2/2 points
0-14 cards: 1/2 points
0 cards: 0 points
Match Performance: 7/23 points
- Rulings: 0/8
Did he know all rulings? Did he missunderstand effects? Did he not know effects ot game mechanics? For every mistake take away points.
Also you are allowed to FAKE rulings. For example chain something to a Counter Trap that can't be chained to it due to Spell Speed. If the testee catches it, give him points if not tell him what you just did AND DO NOT CONTINUE PLAYING WITH THE FAKE RULING. Go back, show what was wrong and pretend it didn't happen.
- Focus: 2/2
Did he misscklick a lot? Take cards back from the field because he played the wrong one? If so, take points. He needs to be focused when tested.
- Use of cards: 5/5
Did he use his cards correctly? Did he understand effects and used them when appropriate? Or could he have achived a better result if he had played diffrently? When evaluating this give CLEAR and DETAILED information and examples. Don't just say "You should not summon this and that", say why not and what you would have done in their place!
- Siding: 0/8
Ask the testee what he sided after the match. Where the choiced good or did he not side at all? If the cards he sided made an impact on the game and changed the result, then give him the highest credit.
crazy white boy karakuri vs shino hero
Single Result: 5/5 points
Well, self explanatory.
Single Deck Construction: 3/13 points
- Number of Cards: ?/3
- Consistency: ?/6
- Originality: ?/4
The same rules as for Match Deck apply here (except for Side Deck!)
Single Performance: 10/15 points
- Rulings: ?/8
- Focus: ?/2
- Use of cards: ?/5
The same rules as for Match Deck apply here (except for Siding!)
Attitude: 2/2
Was he friendly and a good sportsman or did he rage? Was he pissed because he lost or did you call you a noob because you lost?
Deck Variety: 3/3
Same deck: 0/3
Similiar deck: 1/3 or 2/3
Completly diffrent: 3/3
Did he use diffrent decks in Match and Singles? Or did he use the same? Even if he used diffrent ones, were they similiar to each other (e.g. both E-Heroes)? How similiar were they (1 or 2 points)?
Special Stipulation:
-Testee admitted defeat mid-match due to resignation: -3 points.
-Testee quit before finishing: -5 points.
-Testee rage-quit (proof via screenshot): -10 points
so slifer red