Fluff Fluff (Boxers) v.s Fangirl (Rulersworn)
Match Results: 4/4:
Testee won 2-1.
Use of Cards 18/20:
Did pretty well. She obviously is a seasoned LS player who knows how to run them well.
Duel Control: 13/15:
Had decent control throughout. There were times I had the upper hand but ultimately it was a matter of waiting to get sacked by 4-5 dragons.
Creativity: 1/5
Lolno LS was never original let alone w/ Dragon Rulers.
Attitude: 2/2:
Good attitude throughout the whole duel.
Ruling Knowlege: 6/16:
3 out of 8 correct.
Concentration and Misplays: 7/8:
Overall she was good except she miscalculated game 1 by not realizing that I could summon Blaster regardless and win. Aside from that it was fine.
Deck Build: 18/20:
It's about as good as I see most rulersworn. There really isn't a lot that goes into it.
Side Deck: 8/10:
Side decking skills were fine. Stygain Dirge is a fine card to side against Boxers. It was 2 of those for 2 LS cards. Considering the deck was overstocked asf on LS cards it was a good trade.
Total points: 77/100
Slifer Red = 0-65
Ra Yellow = 66 - 89
Obelisk Blue = 90 - 100