Fluff Fluff (Battlin' Boxer) v.s Firedragon909 (Lightsworn)
Match Results: 0/4:
I won both duels.
Use of Cards 13/20:
The use of cards was pretty standard with a few misplays but nothing huge. On his last turn he tried to swarm with 1 Lightray and 2 JDs even though there was only 3 LS in his grave. Aside from that it was decent.
Duel Control: 8/15:
I mainly had control both duels. For the first few turns of the first duel he was doing alright with swarming but then I got bored and actually started playing. For a Lightsworn deck there isn't much control going on until JD hits the field tbh.
Creativity: 1/5
Lightsworns were never creative. Ever.
Attitude: 2/2:
He was pretty cool about everything. Seems nice.
Ruling Knowlege: 0/16:
Chose not to do them after I told him that it wouldn't affect what dorm he'd get into.
Concentration and Misplays: 6/8:
For the most part he was there but there was the miscounting on how many LS monsters were in the grave towards the end and like one other thing I can't remember.
Deck Build: 12/20:
The deck was standard and typical. Slightly below average for the reasons of 43 cards in their deck and having cards such as Realm of Light, Enemy Controller, etc. It's on the lower end of LS decks imo.
Side Deck: 5/10:
The side deck wasn't all that super. Against me he sided Prohibition and 1 Tualatin. Prohibition was a good move on his part trying to stop Lead Yoke but aside from that the rest of it looked half decent. There wasn't much he could have sided besides Prohibition that would have done damage to me.
Total points: 47/100
Slifer Red = 0-65
Ra Yellow = 66 - 89
Obelisk Blue = 90 - 100