Chaos Dragons Redox(JasonRy8) vs Galaxy Photons (Rakhalix)
Match Results: 0/15 Marks (0-2 in the match)
Ruling Questions: 8/20 Marks (1 fully correct and 2 partially correct)
Attitude: 2/2 Marks (No complaints here)
Duel Control: 4/10 Marks (You couldn't make your Rank 8s and other necessary XYZ's to control the field, if you had, I would've had a harder time getting rid of them off the field)
Card Usage: 10/20 Marks (He did his best, but I felt certain plays could've been executed better and really the deck lacks defense so I feel you need a few more defensive cards)
Deck Consistency: 10/20 (too much style, not enough substance right now and also Photon decks have always had a problem with consistency and advantage)
Concentration: 3/3 Marks (He was all in, but did what he could. )
Side Deck: 7/15 Marks (A side deck isn't really to change your deck makeup, its to tackle the weaknesses of your opponent's decks, you had one but it wasn't suited to the job)
Originality: 7/10 Marks (I rarely see photon galaxy decks as I do have one also on my own, but its something he liked)
Final Marks: 51/110 (Slifer Red)
Sorry rakhalix, even I don't feel you're ready for the next level yet. Your deck needs to adapt and I don't feel at this stage its adaptive.