Justice is actually a HORRIBLE card now that Judgment is gone. Here's why: 1) Several of your cards rely on having a Spellcaster on the field and/or in Graveyard (Fate, Tower, Master especially). Since Justice banishes itself for cost, you lose a Spellcaster on field/in grave. Fate and Tower especially are linchpins of the Spellbook strategy so removing their requirements for something that might pay off isn't worth it. 2) Justice was only good with Judgment because you could use her without your normal summon. This is important. Without Judgment, you're almost forced to Normal Summon her, which cuts off your chances of using Magician. This also plays back into #1. If you're forced to Normal Summon her then you're less likely to have another monster to ensure your cards are live. The deck isn't exactly crawling with monsters. most builds aim for less than 10 in the entire deck. 3) You're not likely to resolve Justice as much as you think. Imperial Iron Wall is a very common side card this format, and shows up often against Prophecy (shutting down Fate and Priestess's effects are good) so if your opponent sides it in (or even mains it, some decks can do that) Justice is dead. You don't want potentially dead cards. 4) Justice is just straight up worse than Temperance.
Compare them:
Justice banishes for cost, Temperance tributes for cost (Temperance ends up in Graveyard so Tower is still live)
Justice is End Phase, Temperance is Main Phase (you can't use the cards you get from Justice till your next turn, unless you End Phase Fate but that's really suboptimal and requires you to have a Spellcaster. The card you get from Temperance can be used immediately.)
Justice adds a Spellcaster to hand, Temperance Special Summons one from Deck (Temperance ensures Fate remains live and allows for Master shenanigans. Justice does none of this.)
While Temperance may seem to have harsher conditions, considering the Deck can sit on even a single one of its monsters and win (yes, even Magician) it's not a big deal at all. There is absolutely no reason to use Justice post-Judgment, much like there is now no reason to use Jowgen post-Judgment.
Instead of 2x Justice and 2x Temperance run 3x Temperance and use that empty slot for more books or backrow.