Hey everyone, PTA here. I noticed this section of the academy hadn't been touched in a while, so I'd thought I'd bring it back for everyone. This week's discussion we'll be talking about the card, 'Scapegoat'. Hopefully, we can award some OD and see how this goes!
Special Summon 4 "Sheep Tokens" (Beast-Type/EARTH/Level 1/ATK 0/DEF 0) in Defense Position. These Tokens cannot be Tributed for a Tribute Summon. You cannot Summon other monsters the turn you activate this card (but you can Set).
This card was originally first released in Starter Deck Joey. A lot of discussion have been brought up on this card because just recently, the TCG list has moved it from 1 to 3.
Why was it used?
I found that this card can be very useful in a 'Toon' deck. But this card is also very helpful because while you can't tribute summon with the tokens, you can still Fusion, Synchro, and Ritual summon with them. I also found this card and United We Stand used together frequently. I also can see it with Enemy Controller.
Should I side it now?
I suppose you could if you wanted. With the format being faster, this basically makes your opponent waste 4 attacks.What can it be used in?
Today this card is actually really helpful in Mecha Phantom Beasts.
What do you all think? What are some pretty cool or usefully combos you can see with this card? Post below and we'll see if we can award some OD. Thanks, - PTA