Match Duel: Gladiator Beasts vs. Chaos Lightsworn
Single Duel: Inzektor vs. Spellbooks
Match: 0/10 points
Single: 10/10 points
Match Deck Construction: 12/20 points
Match Performance: 14/20 points
Single Deck Construction: 18/20 points
Single Performance: 19/20 points
Total: 73/100
Different Decks: 3/3 points
Attitude: 2/2 points
Overall Total: 78/105
The single match he was nearly flawless, he crushed my Inzektors so quickly I was dumbfounded XD
However in the match, his Chaos didn't get too chaotic. You were able to get out your big hitters but you didn't give them much insurance, and you deck had nearly no spell/trap hate. There were also quite a few instances where you could have taken me out, had you thought through your moves.
You will be assigned to Ra Yellow.